I got this table
| Name | Time | LowPrice | HighPrice |
| #AAA | 12/13/2021 17:12 | 383.12 | 393.9 |
| #BBB | 12/13/2021 17:13 | 1110.34 | 1114.1 |
| #AAA | 12/13/2021 17:13 | 384.15 | 399.2 |
| #BBB | 12/13/2021 17:14 | 1112.34 | 1119.1 |
and this query:
SELECT "Name", "Time", "LowPrice", "HighPrice"
FROM rp_prices
WHERE "Time" > NOW() - INTERVAL '10 day';
I need to get only one price, with avg I think, and grouped by day, something like this
| Name | Time | LowPrice | HighPrice |
| #AAA | 12/13/2021 | 383.12 | 393.9 |
| #BBB | 12/13/2021 | 1110.34 | 1114.1 |
Thanks for your help
SELECT "Name", date_trunc('day', "Time"), avg("LowPrice"), avg("HighPrice")
FROM rp_prices
WHERE "Time" > now() - interval '10 day'
GROUP BY "Name", date_trunc('day', "Time")