I was trying to create a new view out of 3 or 4 other views/tables.
title_id | homeTeam |
1234 | WSV |
5678 | SSV |
7890 | NULL |
4321 | SCC |
title_id | awayTeam |
1234 | SSV |
5678 | SFV |
7890 | NULL |
4321 | KFC |
title_id | homeTeam |
1234 | SSV |
5678 | NULL |
7890 | AAB |
4711 | BFG |
I would like to generate a new view out of those three which looks like:
title_id | Teams |
1234 | WSV, SSV, SSV |
5678 | SSV, SFV, N/A |
7890 | N/A, N/A, AAB |
4321 | SCC, KFC, N/A |
4711 | N/A, N/A, BFG |
As you can see, NULL should be renamed to N/A, as well if id doesn’t exist in one of the other tables. And I would like to get DISTINCT title_id.
@DaleK sure, i tried it like this:
select tableA.title_id, ISNULL(tableA.homeTeam, ‘N/A’) + ‘,’ + ISNULL(tableB.awayTeam, ‘N/A’) + ‘,’ + ISNULL(tableC.homeTeam, ‘N/A’) as Teams from tableA, tableB, tableC;
This leads into an neverending query for my tables which has each more than 300k rows.
Next i tried join:
select tableA.title_id, ISNULL(tableA.homeTeam, ‘N/A’) + ‘,’ + ISNULL(tableB.awayTeam, ‘N/A’) + ‘,’ + ISNULL(tableC.homeTeam, ‘N/A’) as Teams from tableA FULL JOIN tableB ON tableB.title_id = tableA.title_id FULL JOIN tableC ON tableC.title_id = tableA.tile_id
But to be honest i wasnt sure about the number of rows.
the tables together, then use string aggregation
SELECT t.title_id, STRING_AGG(ISNULL(t.team, 'N/A'), ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY t.ordering) AS team FROM ( SELECT a.title_id, a.homeTeam AS team, 1 AS ordering FROM TableA a UNION ALL SELECT b.title_id, b.awayTeam, 2 FROM TableB b UNION ALL SELECT c.title_id, c.homeTeam, 3 FROM TableC c ) t GROUP BY t.title_id;
For SQL Server 2016 and earlier, you have to use the FOR XML
method, and it’s less efificent as you have to query the tables multiple times
WITH t AS ( SELECT a.title_id, a.homeTeam AS team, 1 AS ordering FROM TableA a UNION ALL SELECT b.title_id, b.awayTeam, 2 FROM TableB b UNION ALL SELECT c.title_id, c.homeTeam, 3 FROM TableC c ) SELECT tOuter.title_id, STUFF(tInner.team.value('text()[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, LEN(', '), '') AS team FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT t.title_id FROM t ) tOuter CROSS APPLY ( SELECT ', ' + ISNULL(t.team, 'N/A') FROM t WHERE t.title_id = tOuter.title_id ORDER BY t.ordering FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ) tInner(team);