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Sql Query to Linq

How would I convert this query from SQL to Linq:

SELECT status As 'Status',
       count(status) As 'Count'
FROM tbl_repair_order 
WHERE contract = 'con' and 
      (status = 'Parts Arr' or 
       status = 'NA' or 
       status = 'New Call' or 
       status = 'Parts Ord' or 
       status = 'Parts Req' or 
       status = 'F Work')
GROUP BY status


Thanks Guys, this is the code I used. Tested and returns the same as above:

        List<string> statuses = new List<string> { "Parts Arr", "NA", "New Call", "Parts Ord", "Parts Req", "F Work"}; 

        var result = (from x in db.tbl_repair_orders
                     where x.CONTRACT == strContract
                        && statuses.Contains(x.STATUS)
                     group x.STATUS by x.STATUS into grouping
                     select new { Status = grouping.Key, Count = grouping.Count() });

        return result;



    string[] statuses = new string[] { "Parts Arr", "NA", "New Call", "Parts Ord", "Parts Req", "F Work" };
    var x = (from ro in db.tbl_repair_order
             where ro.contract == "con"
                && statuses.Contains(ro.status)
             group 0 by ro.status into grouping
             select new { Status = grouping.Key, Count = grouping.Count() });

I don’t know if the syntax is correct (especially the last two lines) but it should be pretty close.

I added the 0 between group and by based on Eamon Nerbonne’s correction in the comments. Also, thanks to Ryan Versaw for the link explaining List and arrays for generating IN clauses.

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