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SQL query to create a merged table with varied timestamps and varied column mapping

I am trying to write an complex mySQL query in which there are 2 tables action and revenue what I need is:

  1. From auction table take out location, postal code on the basis of user, cat_id, cat and spent and join with revenue table which has revenue column so as that given cat_id, cat and date I can figure out the returns that each ‘postal’ is generating.


User is unique key here

  1. In auction table has column ‘spent’ but its populates only when ‘event’ column has ‘show’ but it has ‘cat’ entry. And ‘cat_id’ starts populating at any event except show. So need to map cat_id from ‘cat’ for event ‘show’ to get the spent for that cat_id.

  2. The date has to be setup such that while joining the tables the timestamp should be compared for plus minus 10 mins. Right now in my query I have 24 hrs duration

  3. Aggregating on postal in desc order to postal giving highest returns

**Auction Table**
dt                  user cat_id cat location  postal     event    spent
2020-11-01 22:12:25  1     0    A      US      X12        Show      2
2020-11-01 22:12:25  1     0    A      US      X12        Show      2 (duplicate also in table)
2020-11-01 22:12:25  1     6    A      US      X12        Mid      null
2020-11-01 22:13:20  2     0    B      UK      L23        Show      2
2020-11-01 22:15:24  2     3    B      UK      L23        End      null
**Revenue table**
dt                     user  cat_id   revenue
2020-11-01 22:14:45     1      6        null
2020-11-01 22:13:20     2      3        3

Want to create final table(by aggregating on revenue for each ‘postal’ area):

location   postal   spend  revenue returns
UK          X12      2       0        0
US          L23      2       3        3/2=1.5  

I have written a query but unable to figure out solution for above mention 3 complexities:

Select s.location, s.postal, s.spend, e.revenue
From revenue e JOIN
     auction s
     on e.user = s.user
where  s.event in ('Mid','End','Show') and 
       s.cat_id in ('3') and = 'B'

Any suggestion will be helpful



This answers the question for MySQL, which is the original tag on the question as well as mentioned in the question.

If I understand correctly, your issue is “joining” within a time frame. You can do what you want using a correlated subquery. Then the rest is aggregation, which I think is:

select location, postal, max(spend), max(revenue)
from (select a.*,
             (select sum(r.revenue)
              from revenue r
              where r.user = a.user and
                    r.dte >= s.dt - interval 10 minute and
                    r.dte <= s.dte + interval 10 minute
             ) as revenue
      from auction a
      where s.event in ('Mid', 'End', 'Show') and 
            s.cat_id in (3) and
   = 'B'
     ) a
group by location, postal;
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