I have a table in which I want to store images. Each image has arbitrary properties that I want to store in a key-value table.
The table structure looks like this
id | fk_picture_id | key | value |
1 | 1 | camera | iphone |
2 | 1 | year | 2001 |
3 | 1 | country | Germany |
4 | 2 | camera | iphone |
5 | 2 | year | 2020 |
6 | 2 | country | United States |
Now I want a query to find all pictures made by an iphone I could to something like this
key = 'camera'
value = 'iphone';
This works without any problems. But as soon as I want to add another key to my query I am get stucked. Lets say, I want all pictures made by an iPhone in the year 2020, I can not do something like
key = 'camera'
value = 'iphone'
key = 'year'
value = '2020'
…because this selects the id 1, 4 and 5.
At the end I might have 20 – 30 different criteria to look for, so I don’t think some sub-selects would work at the end.
I’m still in the design phase, which means I can still adjust the data model as well. But I can’t think of any way to do this in a reasonable way – except to include the individual properties as columns in my main table.
The solution I found – thanks to this article How to query data based on multiple ‘tags’ in SQL?
is that I made some changes to the database model
id | name |
1 | Picture 1 |
2 | Picture 2 |
And then I created a table for the tags
id | tag |
100 | Germany |
101 | IPhone |
102 | United States |
And the cross table
fk_picture_id | fk_tag_id |
1 | 100 |
1 | 101 |
2 | 101 |
2 | 102 |
For a better understanding of the datasets
Picture | Tagname |
Picture 1 | Germany & Iphone |
Picture 2 | United States & IPhone |
Now I can use the following statement
FROM picture
SELECT fk_picture_id
FROM picture_tag
WHERE fk_tag_id IN (100, 101)
GROUP BY fk_picture_id
HAVING COUNT(fk_tag_id) = 2
) AS picture_tag
ON picture.id = picture_tag.fk_picture_id;
The only thing I need to do before the query is to collect the IDs of the tags I want to search for and put the number of tags in the having count statement.
If someone needs the example data, here are the sql statements for the tables and data
create table picture (
id integer,
name char(100)
create table tag (
id integer,
tag char(100)
create table picture_tag (
fk_picture_id integer,
fk_tag_id integer
insert into picture values (1, 'Picture 1');
insert into picture values (2, 'Picture 2');
insert into tag values (100, 'Germay');
insert into tag values (101, 'iphone');
insert into tag values (102, 'United States');
insert into picture_tag values (1, 100);
insert into picture_tag values (1, 101);
insert into picture_tag values (2, 101);
insert into picture_tag values (2, 102);