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sql query for finding ID numbers on date range

I want to get the ID numbers for the last 24 hour range. Say I run a task at 4:00AM each morning and want to get the previous 24 hours of data going back to 4:00AM the previous day. I need to get the id codes to search the correct tables. If the data is like this what would be the best way to query the ID numbers?

ID Start Time EndTime
2112 2021-08-10 23:25:28.750 NULL
2111 2021-08-06 17:42:27.400 2021-08-10 23:25:28.750
2110 2021-08-03 20:21:14.093 2021-08-06 17:42:27.400

So if I had the date range of 8/10 – 8/11 I would need to get two codes. 2111 and 2112. If I need to get 8/11 – 8/12 I would only get 2112 as the endtime is null.

Any thoughts on the best way to query this out?



You need to do something like that :

DECLARE @employee  TABLE(
            ID  int,
            StartTime datetime,
            EndTime datetime
    INSERT INTO @employee SELECT '2112','2021-08-10 23:25:28.750',NULL
    INSERT INTO @employee SELECT '2111','2021-08-06 17:42:27.400','2021-08-10 23:25:28.750'
    INSERT INTO @employee SELECT '2110','2021-08-03 20:21:14.093','2021-08-06 17:42:27.400'

    SELECT ID,* from @employee where 
    EndTime >= GETDATE()-1 OR EndTime is null

It will takes -1 day from execution time . So if you execute it right now you will heave only null value in output – because now it’s 14.08 and this Edtime is null ( still running i think ).


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