I am trying to insert a JSON object into multiple tables
CREATE TABLE images ( id serial primary key , image_url varchar(255), filename varchar(255) );
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure example1( images_json json ) AS $$ DECLARE i json; BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'ITEM ID is %',images_json->>'item_id'; --will be used later on FOR i IN SELECT * FROM json_array_elements(images_json->>'images') LOOP INSERT INTO images (image_url, filename) VALUES (i->>'url', i->>'filename'); end loop; end; $$ language plpgsql;
When I test it
call example1('{"item_id": 123,"images":[{ "url": "https://google.com","filename": "google.png"}, { "url": "https://yahoo.com","filename":"yahoo.png"}, {"url": "https://www.bing.com","filename":"bing.png"}]}')
I get the following error
ERROR: function json_array_elements(text) does not exist
No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
Where: PL/pgSQL function example1(json) line 5 at FOR over SELECT rows
I want to insert each of the images array into images
Your immediate error is, that ->>
returns a text
value, but json_array_elements()
expects a json
value. You need to use the ->
operator here:
FOR i IN SELECT * FROM json_array_elements(images_json -> 'images') ^ here
But you don’t need a LOOP for this (or PL/pgSQL to begin with):
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure example1(images_json json) AS $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'ITEM ID is %',images_json->>'item_id'; --will be used later on INSERT INTO images (image_url, filename) SELECT i->>'url', i->>'filename' FROM json_array_elements(images_json -> 'images') as i; end; $$ language plpgsql;