I have data in this order
Id Name
---- ------------
6783 Football
6783 Football
4394 Football
4394 Football
1786 Cricket
1786 Cricket
3265 Tennis
3265 Tennis
2601 Hockey
2601 Hockey
9554 Badminton
9554 Badminton
1947 Basketball
1947 Basketball
How can I sort this data in this order?
Id Name
---- ------------
6783 Football
4394 Football
1786 Cricket
3265 Tennis
2601 Hockey
9554 Badminton
1947 Basketball
6783 Football
4394 Football
1786 Cricket
3265 Tennis
2601 Hockey
9554 Badminton
1947 Basketball
To do this requires a big assumption which is that the original sequence is reproducible somehow. Just by entering those rows into a database without a sequence we would be unable to be guaranteed to reproduce the result.
This code assigns a sequence to the original data. Using the column o_seq the ORDER BY produces the requested order.
drop table if exists dbo.test_table;
create table dbo.test_table(
Id int not null,
[Name] varchar(100) not null);
insert dbo.test_table(Id, [Name]) values
drop table if exists dbo.test_table2;
create table dbo.test_table2(
Id int not null,
[Name] varchar(100) not null,
o_seq int);
/* this is not recomended. I had to visually inspect the rows to make sure this worked */
insert dbo.test_table2 select t.*, row_number() over (order by (select null)) from dbo.test_table t
/* produces the correct sort order */
;with nums_cte as (
select *, (o_seq-1)%2 s2
from dbo.test_table2)
select * from nums_cte
order by s2, o_seq;