I have the following two tables:
id | price | shop_id | name |
1 | 10.22 | 1 | apple |
2 | 10.50 | 1 | pear |
3 | 10 | 2 | orange |
4 | 9 | 2 | apricot |
id | name |
1 | fruit-shop |
2 | grocery-shop |
I am trying to get all the shops that have EVERY item price > 10. I want to retrieve all the items associated with that shop.
For example, based on the above tables I would have:
name | item_name | price |
fruit-shop | apple | 10.22 |
fruit-shop | pear | 10.50 |
I have tried using the following query:
SELECT items.shop_id
FROM items
GROUP BY items.shop_id
HAVING min(items.price) > 10
This returns back the correct shop_id
although then when I try and join and achieve the final goal, all the other shops are also joined and not just shops who’s ALL items price are greater than 10.
How to achieve this?
SELECT shops.name, items.name AS item_name, items.price
FROM items JOIN shops ON items.shop_id = shops.id
WHERE shops.id IN (SELECT items.shop_id
FROM items
GROUP BY items.shop_id
HAVING min(items.price) > 10);