Col1 col2 11 A 26 B 31 C 43 D
Col1 col2 16 E 46 F 39 G 42 H
And need output is
Col1 col2 Col1 col2 11 A 16 E 26 B 46 F 31 C 39 G 43 D 42 H
Here’s one option:
SQL> with 2 -- sample data 3 a (col1, col2) as 4 (select 11, 'A' from dual union all 5 select 26, 'B' from dual union all 6 select 31, 'C' from dual union all 7 select 43, 'D' from dual 8 ), 9 b (col1, col2) as 10 (select 16, 'E' from dual union all 11 select 46, 'F' from dual union all 12 select 39, 'G' from dual union all 13 select 42, 'H' from dual 14 ), 15 -- find something to join rows on - for example, row number. Your example shows that 16 -- values are sorted by COL2 17 a2 as 18 (select col1, col2, row_number() over (order by col2) rn from a), 19 b2 as 20 (select col1, col2, row_number() over (order by col2) rn from b) 21 -- join a2 and b2 on RN 22 select a2.col1, a2.col2, b2.col1, b2.col2 23 from a2 join b2 on a2.rn = b2.rn 24 order by a2.col1; COL1 COL2 COL1 COL2 ----- ---- ----- ---- 11 A 16 E 26 B 46 F 31 C 39 G 43 D 42 H SQL>