I have an existing table of products, and I’m trying to insert new attributes from other tables into my main product table.
Here’s my query:
INSERT INTO company_attributes (amp)
SELECT company_attr_amperage.amp
FROM company_attr_amperage
INNER JOIN company_attributes
ON company_attr_amperage.product_id = company_attributes.product_id;
The error that I get is: Field ‘product_id’ doesn’t have a default value.
I’m not trying to insert into the product_id column, I’m trying to insert into the amp column (as specified on row 1 of the query)
The amp column exists on the company_attributes table, but right now, every value is NULL
You may just want to update the value in existing rows. If so:
UPDATE company_attributes ca JOIN
company_attr_amperage caa
ON caa.product_id = ca.product_id
SET ca.amp = caa.amp;