I have the following (table).
"customers_dishes" id - customer id, STRING date - date of arriving at the restaurant, DATE bill - total bill, DOUBLE
I am trying to output all of the incidents of customers that their bill was greater than their first date visiting the restaurant bill
id, date, bill Alen, 2018-03-01, 50 Alen, 2018-03-02, 48 Alen, 2019-03-01, 60 Bob, 2018-03-04, 45 Bob, 2018-03-06, 55 Bob, 2019-03-01, 50
the output should be:
id, date, bill Alen, 2019-03-01, 60 Bob, 2018-03-06, 55 Bob, 2019-03-01, 50
Tried doing something like that:
SELECT (*) FROM customers_dishes WHERE date NOT IN ( SELECT date FROM customers_dishes ORDER BY id, date ASC LIMIT 1) AND id NOT IN( SELECT id FROM customers_dishes ORDER BY id, date ASC LIMIT 1)
Any suggestions please?
You can use first_value()
select cd.* from (select cd.*, first_value(bill) over (partition by id order by date) as first_bill from customers_dishes cd ) cd where bill > first_bill;
You can also use a correlated subquery:
select cd.* from customers_dishes cd where cd.bill > (select cd2.bill from customers_dishes cd2 where cd2.id = cd.id order cd2.date fetch first 1 row only );