I’m not sure what should I write in the following SQL query to show ‘date’ column like this: “month-year” – “9-2011”.
SELECT MONTH(date) + '.' + YEAR(date) AS Mjesec, SUM(marketingExpense) AS SumaMarketing, SUM(revenue) AS SumaZarada FROM [Order] WHERE (idCustomer = 1) AND (date BETWEEN '2001-11-3' AND '2011-11-3') GROUP BY MONTH(date), YEAR(date)
So, what I want to do is to change the data from the first column to show month and year instead of showing month only.
SELECT CAST(MONTH(date) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(YEAR(date) AS VARCHAR(4)) AS Mjesec, SUM(marketingExpense) AS SumaMarketing, SUM(revenue) AS SumaZarada FROM [Order] WHERE (idCustomer = 1) AND (date BETWEEN '2001-11-3' AND '2011-11-3') GROUP BY CAST(MONTH(date) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-' + CAST(YEAR(date) AS VARCHAR(4))
Or as @40-Love mentioned you can cast with leading zeroes:
GROUP BY CAST(YEAR(date) AS VARCHAR(4)) + '-' + right('00' + CAST(MONTH(date) AS VARCHAR(2)), 2)