I have this query
SELECT to_char(timestamp_arr,'Dy DD/MM/YYYY') as timestamp_date ,to_char(timestamp_arr,'DD/MM/YYYY') as link_date ,count(transport_uid) as value ,decode (statut,'DETECTED','DETECTED','NO DETECTED') as label FROM V_STAT_TRACKING v WHERE timestamp_arr= '13/09/2019' group by statut, timestamp_arr order by timestamp_arr, statut
And I got this result
timestamp_date link_date value statut Ven. 13/09/2019 13/09/2019 1 DETECTED Ven. 13/09/2019 13/09/2019 21 NO DETECTED
Instead of this I want to modify my query to get this result :
timestamp_date link_date DETECTED NO DETECTED Ven. 13/09/2019 13/09/2019 1 21
They tell me about pivot function sql but I dont know how it works .
Thanks for helping
One option would be using pivot
keyword :
select * from ( select to_char(timestamp_arr,'Dy DD/MM/YYYY','nls_date_language=French') as "Timestamp Date", to_char(timestamp_arr,'DD/MM/YYYY') as "Link Date", transport_uid, decode (statut,'DETECTED','DETECTED','NO DETECTED') as statut from v_stat_tracking ) pivot ( count(transport_uid) for statut in ( 'DETECTED' as "Detected", 'NO DETECTED' as "No Detected" ) );