I have 3 tables for a meal calculation.
CREATE TABLE Meals ( meal_id int, name text ); CREATE TABLE Ingredients ( ingredient_id int, name text, minamount float, price float ); CREATE TABLE Recipe ( meal_id int, ingredient_id int, quantitiy float, ingredientName text );
Now I like to find a meal by ingredient:
SELECT m.meal_id, m.name, r.ingredientName from meals m join recipe r on m.meal_id = r.meal_id join ingredients i on i.ingredient_id = r.ingredient_id where r.ingredientName = 'meat' group by m.meal_id
Which give me a list like:
name, ingredientName Lasagne, meat Bolognese, meat
Also I like to find meal by price like:
SELECT m.meal_id, m.name, SUM(i.price / i.minamount * r.quantity) as mealPrice from meals m join recipe r on m.meal_id = r.meal_id join ingredients i on i.ingredient_id = r.ingredient_id GROUP BY m.meal_id, m.name HAVING mealPrice > 5.0 AND mealPrice < 8.0
Which give me a list like:
name, mealPrice Lasagne, 6.5 Bolognese, 7.8
Now let me build a query like
SELECT m.meal_id, m.name, r.ingredientName, SUM(i.price / i.minamount * r.quantity) as mealPrice from meals m join recipe r on m.meal_id = r.meal_id join ingredients i on i.ingredient_id = r.ingredient_id where r.ingredientName = 'meat' GROUP BY m.meal_id r.ingredientName HAVING mealPrice > 5.0 AND mealPrice < 8.0
Which gives me a list like:
name, ingredientName, mealPrice Lasagne, meat, 1.99 Bolognese, meat, 1.99
Because (i.price / i.minamount * r.quanitity) for this meal for meat is 1.99
Without “GROUP BY r.ingredientName” it returns only one values
name, ingredientName, mealPrice Lasagne, meat, 6.5
But I need a list like:
name, ingredientName, mealPrice Lasagne, meat, 6.5 Bolognese, meat, 7.8
Perhaps add an EXISTS to only get the meals with ‘meat’ in the recipe.
SELECT m.meal_id, m.name, SUM((i.price / i.minamount) * r.quantity) as mealPrice FROM meals m JOIN recipe r ON r.meal_id = m.meal_id JOIN ingredients i ON i.ingredient_id = r.ingredient_id WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM recipe r2 WHERE r2.ingredientName = 'meat' AND r2.meal_id = m.meal_id ) GROUP BY m.meal_id, m.name HAVING mealPrice BETWEEN 5.01 AND 7.99