I am trying to make a voting system through a SQL server, and I can’t get it right. What I am trying to do is get the party with the highest amount of votes.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Vote INNER JOIN Members ON Vote.Voted = Members.PartyName WHERE (PartyName is the biggest one)
I expect something like [DEMS][8], or at the very least, the party name of the party with the highest votes.
Rather than using a WHERE clause you need to use whatever the syntax is for the top record in your SQL dialect. You also need to group by partijnaam. This is a bit of a guess as I don;t know your exact data structure.
SELECT PartijNaam, COUNT(*) FROM stem INNER JOIN leden ON stem.Gestemt = Leden.lidnummer GROUP BY PartijNaam ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 1
SQL Server
SELECT TOP 1 PartijNaam, COUNT(*) FROM stem INNER JOIN leden ON stem.Gestemt = Leden.lidnummer GROUP BY PartijNaam ORDER BY 2 DESC