I have these two lines
,SUM (CASE WHEN (DATEDIFF(DAY,Shopify_Ordered,Confirmed) >= 1)THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) OVER () Orders1DayNotShipped ,dbo.GROUP_CONCAT( (CASE WHEN (DATEDIFF(DAY,Shopify_Ordered,Confirmed) >= 1)THEN Customer_Purchase_Order_Number END)) OVER () Orders1DayNotShippedString
The first line counts the number of orders that are One Day Not shipped. The second line uses a Group_Concat function (found here: https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=groupconcat) to return a list of the order numbers of those late orders.
Here is a sample result: 91149220,91155318,91155319, etc
Now what I want to do is take that result/field and then pass it to another report through SSRS. I can pass this parameter to the other report easily, I just need some help making it actually work. I want the second report to take those order numbers and show me all those orders.
So for my second report, I set up the parameter and this is what I tried to do for my where clause
WHERE 1=1 ... AND (@LocalOrderList IS NULL OR (Customer_Purchase_Order_Number in dbo.[Z_N_CSVToList](@LocalOrderList)))
Z_N_CSVToList is a simpe function that breaks apart a string into a list. This is it:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Z_N_CSVToList] (@CSV varchar(MAX)) RETURNS @Result TABLE (Value varchar(300)) AS BEGIN DECLARE @List TABLE ( Value varchar(300) ) DECLARE @Value varchar(300), @Pos int SET @CSV = LTRIM(RTRIM(@CSV))+ ',' SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @CSV, 1) IF REPLACE(@CSV, ',', '') <> '' BEGIN WHILE @Pos > 0 BEGIN SET @Value = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@CSV, @Pos - 1))) IF @Value <> '' INSERT INTO @List (Value) VALUES (@Value) SET @CSV = RIGHT(@CSV, LEN(@CSV) - @Pos) SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @CSV, 1) END END INSERT @Result SELECT Value FROM @List RETURN END
How do I make this work? Running it as it is right now gives me the error “Incorrect syntax near ‘dbo’.”
Do I have to add quotes around the order numbers in the group concat line?
EDIT: I figured it out. If I change my where clause to this, it works.
AND (@LocalOrderList IS NULL OR (Customer_Purchase_Order_Number in (Select * from dbo.[Z_N_CSVToList](@LocalOrderList))))
But now my report only returns the first order from the list, not all of them. Any idea why?
should be something like this using exists
AND (@LocalOrderList IS NULL OR (exists (select 1 from dbo.[Z_N_CSVToList](@LocalOrderList) v where Customer_Purchase_Order_Number = v.value )))