We have a table that looks list this: date, val1, val2, val3, val4, val5
for a given row, val1 -val5 are unique and between 1 and 37
Using T-SQL, How can I list numbers 1 -37 by cold to hot with their frequency for a given date range?
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
Sample Output (NOT ACTUAL): Numbers by frequency descending:
36=0, 2=1, 5=1, 7=3, 34=5, 30=6, etc.
With a recursive CTE create the dataset 1-37 and then UNION ALL
to create a dataset with all the numbers in the table.
Join the 2 datasets and group by
the number and aggregate:
with cte(n) as ( select 1 union all select (cte.n + 1) n from cte where cte.n < 37 ) select cte.n, count(t.number) counter from cte left join ( select date, val1 number from tablename union all select date, val2 from tablename union all select date, val3 from tablename union all select date, val4 from tablename union all select date, val5 from tablename ) t on t.number = cte.n and t.date between '2019-05-01' and '2019-05-31' group by cte.n order by counter, cte.n