given this Schema:
table tblSET
SetID int PK
SetName nvarchar(100)
Table tblSetItem
SetID int PK
ItemID int PK
tblSetItem.SetID is a FK into the tblSet Table.
Some data:
SetID SetName
1 Red
2 Blue
3 Maroon
4 Yellow
5 Sky
SetID ItemID
1 100
1 101
2 100
2 108
2 109
3 100
3 101
4 101
4 108
4 109
4 110
5 100
5 108
5 109
I’d like a way to identify which sets contain the same items. In the example above Red and Maroon contain the same items (100,101) and Blue and Sky contain the same values (100,108,109)
Is there a sql query which would provide this answer?
You can use xml support to create a comma separated list (cf this answer: For this case I don’t care about the form so I leave the starting comma in.
Note, I couldn’t test this right now so I might have a typo…
select * from
select SetID, setitemuniquestring,
count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY setitemuniquestring) as cnt
select S.SetID,
(select ',' + I.ItemID
from tblSetItem I
where S.SetID = I.SetID
order by u.ItemID ASC
for xml path('')
) as setitemuniquestring
from tblSet S
group by S.SetID
) sub
) sub2
where cnt > 2