This is rather strange, and I have had this query work on numerous databases but here I am stumped. I know that my Synapse table has duplicates
SELECT nmiandnmisuffixkey, ReadingDate, IntervalNumber
FROM [dbo].[factMeterDataDetail]
where nmiandnmisuffixkey = 'XXXXXXXXXX'
and readingdate = '2020-10-08'
and IntervalNumber = 12
| nmiandnmisuffixkey | ReadingDate | IntervalNumber |
| XXXXXXXXXX | 2020-10-08 | 12 |
| XXXXXXXXXX | 2020-10-08 | 12 |
but when I try to run following
SELECT nmiandnmisuffixkey, ReadingDate, IntervalNumber, count(*) as cnt
FROM [dbo].[factMeterDataDetail]
where nmiandnmisuffixkey = 'XXXXXXXXXX'
and readingdate = '2020-10-08'
and IntervalNumber = 12
group by nmiandnmisuffixkey, ReadingDate, IntervalNumber
I get the following:-
| nmiandnmisuffixkey | ReadingDate | IntervalNumber | cnt |
| XXXXXXXXXX | 2020-10-08 | 12 | 1 |
| XXXXXXXXXX | 2020-10-08 | 12 | 1 |
why does the count not aggregate up?
Some possibilities –
- date has different time/millisecond. so, you can try removing time part and run group by query again.
- string column(key) can have white spaces in the end or begining. you can use ltrim/rtrim and run group by query again. Client tool will display them as identical data like your output. By trimming space there can be a true comparison.
In OP’s case, it was case #2. Using ltrim/rtrim resolved the agg issue.