I have 3 tables with are the following:
st with an id, startDate, endDate, customer_id and serivcedeal_Id.
servicedeal with id and name.
price with id, price, startDate and servicedeal_Id.
I have the following data in the tables:
If i have the following data:
table st
startDate = 2018-11-01
endDate = 2019-03-05
customer_Id = 355
Servicedeal_Id = 3
table servicedeal
id = 3
name = lille pakke
i only want to see the row with id 13 from table price because its the closet date before my startDate 2018-11-01
Does anyone have an SQL that can solve the problem?
thanks in advance
You can join and filter with a correlated subquery:
select s.*, d.*, p.*
from wpwh_veosoft_crm_st s
inner join wpwh_veosoft_crm_servicedeal d on d.id = s.servicedeal_id
inner join wpwh_veosoft_crm_price p on p.servicedeal_id = s.servicedeal_id
where p.startDate = (
select max(p1.startDate)
from wpwh_veosoft_crm_price p1
where p1.servicedeal_id = s.servicedeal_id and p1.startDate < s.startDate