I am trying to create a SQL report that shows hourly sales. This is from my POS system.
There’s a built in table that has basically all the data I need, I’m just struggling to calculate the sum of a column if they are in the same hour.
Table vRPTHourlySalesPerformance
(stripped down to only show relevant info):
dt_when | create_hour_ordinal | c_ticketitem_net_price |
2022-11-07 11:20 | 11 | 16.00 |
2022-11-07 12:20 | 11 | 17.00 |
2022-11-07 13:20 | 12 | 18.00 |
I’m looking for a way to output the following.
Hour | Total Sales |
11 | 33.00 |
12 | 18.00 |
This is as far as I’ve gotten:
DECLARE @start_of_day datetime;
DECLARE @now datetime;
SET @now = getdate();
SET @start_of_day = dbo.dwf_beginofday_for_day(@now);
--Creates Sales by Hour Table
DECLARE @reportable_table AS TABLE (
Hour int,
[Total Sales] money
INSERT INTO @reportable_table
SELECT create_hour_ordinal AS 'Hour', c_ticketitem_net_price AS 'Total Sales'
FROM vRPTHourlySalesPerformance
WHERE dt_when >= @start_of_day AND dt_when < @now
It appears you are after a simple aggregate:
insert into @reportable_table([hour], [total Sales])
Select create_hour_ordinal, sum(c_ticketitem_net_price)
from vRPTHourlySalesPerformance
where dt_when >= @start_of_day AND dt_when < @now
group by create_hour_ordinal;