I have a csv file that is sent to me. I have put the file into Notepad++ which shows the ROWTERMINATOR as CRLF. This means that I use rn as my ROWTERMINATOR in SQL correct?
This is the file format (CRLF at the end of each row):
2020/02/10 03:00:00,2020/02/11 02:59:59,2 101,1,5,1,7,10950,0,10950,0,1429 101,1,5,2,7,28878,5500,28878,0,0 101,1,5,3,4,9525,1200,9525,0,0 101,1,5,4,1,7686,0,7686,0,0 101,1,5,7,3,9094,1300,9094,0,0
I essentially need to pull the date from the first cell and then ignore the rest of that row, which I have done:
SET @sql = 'BULK INSERT #date FROM ' + '''' + @fileName + '''' + ' WITH ( FIRSTROW = 1, LASTROW = 1, ROWTERMINATOR = ' + '''' + ',' + '''' + ', FIELDTERMINATOR = ' + '''' + ',' + '''' + ', CODEPAGE=' + '''' + '65001' + '''' + ', KEEPNULLS )'
Then pull the remaining 5 rows of data, which isn’t working because it is wrapping all of the data into one row:
SET @sql = 'BULK INSERT #fileColumns FROM ' + '''' + @fileName + '''' + ' WITH ( FIRSTROW = 2, FIELDTERMINATOR = ' + '''' + ',' + '''' + ', ROWTERMINATOR = ' + '''' + 'rn' + '''' + ', CODEPAGE=' + '''' + '65001' + '''' + ', KEEPNULLS )'
I have also tried n as a ROWTERMINATOR which gives me the last 4 rows because the first row of data is being wrapped into the first.
I don’t really like the way I had to do this, but it works:
SET @sql = 'BULK INSERT #fileColumns FROM ' + '''' + @fileName + '''' + ' WITH ( FIRSTROW = 2, ROWTERMINATOR = ' + '''' + 'n' + '''' + ', CODEPAGE=' + '''' + '65001' + '''' + ', KEEPNULLS )' EXEC (@sql) WITH Split AS ( SELECT Column1, Split.value, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Column1 ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) AS RowNumber FROM #fileColumns CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(Column1, ',') AS Split ) SELECT [1] AS ProfitCenterId, [2] AS CheckTypeId, [3] AS MealPeriodId, [4] AS TenderId, [5] AS NumberOfTenders, [6] AS TenderAmount, [7] AS TipAmount, [8] AS ReceivedAmount, [9] AS BreakageAmount, [10] AS ChangeGiven FROM Split PIVOT ( MAX(value) FOR RowNumber IN ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]) ) AS piv
Definitely not pretty, but it will do.