I’m trying to do a simple left join from two tables(‘asset’,’companies’). For this I decided to use aliases(for the tables) as well, just to practice and improve skills. However I cannot get them to work! I receive a ‘SQL command not properly ended’ error at line:2 column: 23. Which is point of the first alias (‘a’). Please see my code below.
I have already looked at several posts. Indicating that AS is not supported in the from statement, but you can just amit it like I have done. From all the post I have looked at this should work. Also I have checked all spellings.
select a.assetnum, a.description, a.location, a.serialnum, a.modelnum, a.manufacturer, b.name
from asset a, companies b
left join b on a.manufacturer = b.company
where a.location like 'L0%';
your join will be like below don’t use coma separated old join
select a.assetnum, a.description, a.location,
a.serialnum, a.modelnum, a.manufacturer, b.name
from asset a
left join companies b on a.manufacturer = b.company
where a.location like 'L0%';
you did mistake from asset a, companies b
it will be
from asset a left join companies b on a.manufacturer = b.company