I’ve run into some code which behaviour is not clear for me.
We have first entity:
@Data @Entity @Table(name = "Info") public class Info { @OneToOne @JoinColumn(name = "data_id") private Data data; }
and second one:
@Data @Entity @Table(name = "Data") public class Data { @Id private Long dataId }
And we have next method for retrieving data:
@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM Info i inner join Data d on d.data_id=i.data_id", nativeQuery = true) List<Info> getInfo() {}
As nativeQuery = true is present I expect this method make just one SQL select and retrieve me data. But If I take a look at logs actually there are 2 selects:
SELECT * FROM Info i inner join Data d on d.data_id=i.data_id; SELECT * FROM Data d where d.data_id = 123;
Why this is happening ? How to fix it to make only one select and retrieve all data ?
It’s not possible to specify native query fetches without Hibernate specific APIs. I would suggest you to use a normal JPQL/HQL query:
@Query(value = "FROM Info i join fetch i.data") List<Info> getInfo();
This will do the same as your native query but at the same time just run only a single query.