I need to generate rows based on the quantity value.
The barcode column will have value separate by semicolon “;” I want to turn each separated value into individual column.
If the barcode value is less than the quantity, other rows of barcode column will be null. The barcode value will not be more than the quantity.
| Name | Quantity | Barcode
| Apple | 5 | barcode1;barcode2;barcode3
Expected Output:
| Name | Barcode
| Apple | barcode1
| Apple | barcode2
| Apple | barcode3
| Apple |
| Apple |
If you have more than one source row to split at once, a connect-by approach needs conditions to prevent cross matches; so you can do:
select name, regexp_substr(barcode, '(.*?)(;|$)', 1, level, null, 1)
from your_table
connect by name = prior name
and prior sys_guid() is not null
and level <= quantity;
As you are on 11g, and assuming that is 11gR2, You could also use a recursive CTE:
with rcte (name, pos, barcode, quantity, all_barcodes) as (
select name, 1, regexp_substr(barcode, '(.*?)(;|$)', 1, 1, null, 1), quantity, barcode
from your_table
union all
select name, pos + 1, regexp_substr(all_barcodes, '(.*?)(;|$)', 1, pos + 1, null, 1), quantity, all_barcodes
from rcte
where pos < quantity
select name, barcode
from rcte
order by name, pos;