I have the following sort in Postgresql:
ORDER BY verified_at NULLS FIRST, name ASC
What I want is having all records with verified_at NULLS first, but only if the field verified_at is not null, then order by name. I don’t want the verified_at to have the priority on name if verified_at IS NOT NULL.
With this code, verified_at has the priority on name, after the NULLs are displayed. In fact, is-it possible to have records order by name except for the ones that have verified_at NULL ?
Example of what I want:
verified_at: name: NULL Alex NULL Bernard NULL Toto 2018 Albert 2012 Boris 2015 Michel 2001 Lena
You could add a first sorting criteria that checks if the data is null, then order by name:
order by (verified_at is not null)::int, name
Actually using the boolean directly should also work:
order by verified_at is not null, name