I am trying to achieve something like this.
SELECT Name, Age From Employee WHERE ID=1 AND CASE(WHEN backguid='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' THEN (State=@state and City = @city) ELSE (buildingID=backguid) END
I wanted to show state and city column in the where clause only when backguid is empty i.e. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. Else I want to show only one column i.e. buildingID=backguid
Overall code that I used here is :
DECLARE @firstName varchar(50), @buildingID XML='<items><item ID="76BA34CE-273A-46AC-B4EF-C99A3E93DD21" /></items>', @fetchedBuildValue uniqueidentifier, @State VARCHAR(50) ='WA', @city VARCHAR(50) ='Spokane' set @fetchedBuildValue = (SELECT data.item.value('./@ID', 'uniqueidentifier') AS PId FROM @buildingID.nodes('/items/item') data(item)); SELECT PortalUser.[ID] ,PortalUser.[Status] ,PortalUser.[Type] ,PortalUser.[Prefix] ,PortalUser.[Suffix] ,PortalUser.[FirstName] ,PortalUser.[MiddleName] ,PortalUser.[LastName] ,PortalUser.[Title] ,PortalUser.[Department] ,PortalUser.[URL] ,PortalUser.[TenantID] ,PortalUser.[DefaultPropertyID] ,PortalUser.[DoNotEmail] ,PortalUser.[Profile] ,PortalUser.[PrimaryPhoneNumberType] ,PortalUser.[PrimaryPhoneNumber] ,PortalUser.[BusinessPhoneNumber] ,PortalUser.[HomePhoneNumber] ,PortalUser.[MobilePhoneNumber] ,PortalUser.[FaxPhoneNumber] ,Building.BuildingName FROM PortalUser INNER JOIN Relationship AS T_U ON T_U.Target = PortalUser.ID AND T_U.TargetType = 0 AND T_U.SourceType = 6 INNER JOIN Tenant ON T_U.Source = Tenant.ID WHERE (@firstname IS NULL OR PortalUser.FirstName LIKE '%' + @firstname + '%') AND CASE(WHEN @fetchedBuildValue ='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' THEN (State=@state AND City = @city) ELSE (buildingID=backguid) END
However, I am not able to achieve it via Case. I dont know what I am missing.
This may help
SELECT Name, Age From Employee WHERE ID=1 AND ( (backguid='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and State=@state and City = @city) OR ( backguid !='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and buildingID=backguid) )