Can someone offer any help on how I would amend the SQL code to show jobs that are over 3 BUSINESS DAYS old?
I have the following code:
select central_enquiry.enquiry_number, central_enquiry.enquiry_time, central_enquiry.officer_code, type_of_service.service_code, type_of_service.service_name, enquiry_subject. subject_code, enquiry_subject.subject_name, central_site.site_name, central_enquiry.enquiry_address, central_enquiry.enquiry_desc, enquiry_status.enq_status_code, enquiry_status.enq_status_name, central_enquiry.log_effective_date, central_enquiry.follow_up_date, CASE when round((SYSDATE - central_enquiry.enquiry_time),2) >=3 then 'Over 3 days' else '' end as Days_since_reported from central_enquiry inner join enquiry_subject on enquiry_subject.subject_code = central_enquiry.subject_code inner join type_of_service on type_of_service.service_code = enquiry_subject.service_code inner join enquiry_status_log on central_enquiry.enquiry_number = enquiry_status_log.enquiry_number and central_enquiry.enquiry_log_number = enquiry_status_log.enquiry_log_number inner join enquiry_status on enquiry_status.enq_status_code = enquiry_status_log.enq_status_code inner join central_site on central_site.site_code = central_enquiry.site_code where type_of_service.service_code = 'ECPE' and round((SYSDATE - central_enquiry.enquiry_time),2) >=3 and central_enquiry.officer_code = 'BSO' and central_enquiry.outstanding_flag = 'Y' order by central_enquiry.enquiry_number
This shows me all jobs that have been logged more than 3 days ago based on the current date.
where round((SYSDATE - central_enquiry.enquiry_time),2) >=3
However I want this to only show me the jobs that have been logged more than 3 BUSINESS days ago – so if a job was logged on Thursday 13th Feb – it would only show in the report when it was past the same time on Tuesday 18th Feb.
You need to manipulate your condition as following:
where round((SYSDATE - central_enquiry.enquiry_time),2) - case when to_char(SYSDATE,'dy') in ('mon','tue') then 2 else 0 end >=3