I’m creating a view from 2 tables. I need to create a brand new column in the view; this column must be set to 0 when I’m selecting from the first table, 1 from the second one:
Table A:
|column A |column B |
| Boston | USA |
| Chicago | USA |
|Las Vegas| USA |
Table B:
|column A |column B |
| Paris | Europe |
| Madrid | Europe |
| London | Europe |
Resulting View:
|column A |column B | column C|
| Boston | USA | 0 |
| Chicago | USA | 0 |
|Las Vegas| USA | 0 |
| Paris | Europe | 1 |
| Madrid | Europe | 1 |
| London | Europe | 1 |
Just use a union with a computed column:
SELECT columnA, columnB, 0 AS columnC FROM TableA
SELECT columnA, columnB, 1 FROM TableB
ORDER BY columnC;