I have working query:
const count = await models.CompanyProductionUnitNonCeased .count({ distinct: true, col: 'company_id', include: [{ required: true, model: models.ProductionUnitCore, as: "production_unit", include: [{ required: true, model: models.ProductionUnitAddress, as: 'production_unit_addresses', where: { is_current: true }, include: [{ required: true, model: models.AddressAddress, as: 'address', include: [{ required: true, model: models.GeograpicalAdministrativeAreas, as: 'geograpical_administrative_areas', include: [{ required: true, model: models.Region, as: 'region_code_region', where: {code: [1081, 1082]} }], }] }] }] }] })
It returns total count for all columns that has code=1081 and 1082 in “Region” table.
In “Region” table there is “code” row that has 5 different codes. It’s a primary key to GeograpicalAdministrativeAreas table.
I need to calculate for each column separated amount (not only for 1081 and 1082 in total how it is now).
So i want to have the result in this way (or instead of code and we can use row “name”):
[{ 1081: 1001, 1082: 2002, 1083: 2222, 1084: 4344, 1085: 143434 }]
const groupedAmount = await models.CompanyProductionUnitNonCeased .findAndCountAll({ raw: true, distinct: true, col: request.aggregate_on === 'cvr' ? 'company_id' : 'production_unit_id', attributes: [ // [sequelize.literal(`DISTINCT company_id`), 'company_id'], `production_unit.production_unit_renteds.address.geograpical_administrative_areas.${stringByGroup}.name`, `production_unit.production_unit_renteds.address.geograpical_administrative_areas.${stringByGroup}.code`, [sequelize.fn('COUNT', `production_unit.production_unit_renteds.address.geograpical_administrative_areas.${stringByGroup}.code`), 'count'] ], group: [ `production_unit.production_unit_renteds.address.geograpical_administrative_areas.${stringByGroup}.name`, `production_unit.production_unit_renteds.address.geograpical_administrative_areas.${stringByGroup}.code`], include: [{ model: models.CompanyCore, as: 'company', required: true, attributes: [], where: { id: filters.companyIds } }, { attributes: [], required: true, model: models.ProductionUnitCore, as: "production_unit", include: [{ attributes: [], required: true, model: models.ProductionUnitRented, as: 'production_unit_renteds', where: { is_current: true }, include: [{ attributes: [], required: true, model: models.AddressAddress, as: 'address', include: [{ attributes: [], required: true, model: models.GeograpicalAdministrativeAreas, as: 'geograpical_administrative_areas', include: [{ required: true, model: models.Region, as: 'region_code_region', attributes: [] }] }] }] }] }] })