I’m trying to solve exactly this: How to check if a cell of type integer array contains a certain value in SQL but for multiple values on boths sides
so something like this:
SELECT id FROM table WHERE ALL(column_of_type_integer_array) IN (2,3,4)
Is there anything like this or do I have to split my values up?
table callenges
id| precoditions ----------------- 1 |[] 2 |[] 3 |[] 4 |[2,3]
So I only want to select chalenges where the precodition challenges are fullfilled.
SELECT id FROM callenges WHERE All(preconditions) IN ${solvedChallenges}
Use the operator <@
– is contained by, e.g.:
with my_table(arr) as ( values (array[2,3,4,2,3]), (array[1,2,3,4,2,3]) ) select * from my_table where arr <@ array[2,3,4] arr ------------- {2,3,4,2,3} (1 row)