I have this collection of data that I made a query on it
Hotel_Id | User_Id | Comment | Date
1 1 Hello world 2020-1-1
1 2 Hello world 2020-1-1
1 3 Hello world 2020-1-1
1 4 Hello world 2020-1-1
1 5 Hello world 2020-1-1
2 1 Hello world 2 2020-1-1
2 2 Hello world 2 2020-1-1
2 3 Hello world 2 2020-1-1
2 4 Hello world 2 2020-1-1
2 5 Hello world 2 2020-1-1
I want to make my query like this:
Hotel_Id | User_Id | Comment | Date
1 1 Hello world 2020-1-1
1 2 Hello world 2020-1-1
1 3 Hello world 2020-1-1
2 1 Hello world 2 2020-1-1
2 2 Hello world 2 2020-1-1
2 3 Hello world 2 2020-1-1
SELECT r.Hotel_Id, r.User_Id, r.Comment, r.Date
FROM rating r
JOIN hotel h
ON r.Hotel_Id = h.Id
JOIN brand b
ON h.Brand_Id = b.Id
WHERE b.Id = 1
ORDER BY r.Hotel_Id, r.User_Id
There are multiple brands and each brand has collection of hotels and each hotel must have only three comment not all comments that it has in db what is the type of condition that I should put it to get this data thank for your help
You can give a row number and then select the records having the row number upto 3.
select `t`.`hotel_id`, `t`.`user_id`, `t`.`comment`, `t`.`date` from (
select `hotel_id`, `user_id`, `comment`, `date`, (
case `hotel_id`
when @curA
then @curRow := @curRow + 1
else @curRow := 1 and @curA := `hotel_id` end
) as `rn`
from `your_table_name`,
(select @curRow := 0, @curA := '') as `r`
order by `hotel_id`, `user_id`
) as `t`
where `t`.`rn` <= 3;