I have a stored procedure in other database which is maintained by other team. Assume that it is currently returning 3 columns, and my system only needs those 3 columns but the other team can add few more columns for their own use which is causing my system to fail.
Other database SP
ALTER PROCEDURE FirstSP AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; CREATE TABLE #A (Id INT, Name VARCHAR(200), Amount VARCHAR(100), TestColumn INT) INSERT INTO #A VALUES (1,'ABC','23',1), (2,'CDF','35454',2), (3,'hjhj','9809909',3) SELECT * FROM #A DROP TABLE #A END GO
And below is my query, which was only expecting 3 columns from the source
CREATE TABLE #MyTable (Id INT, Name VARCHAR(200), Amount INT) INSERT INTO #MyTable EXEC dbo.FirstSP; SELECT * FROM #MyTable DROP TABLE #MyTable
Is there any way I can provide the column list?
This is what I am trying but it seems that I can’t use server name as the parameter
My whole problem is to just select required columns from the SP. SP can have many columns in future.
Try this:
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace <SERVERNAME><INSTANCENAME>], <DATABASENAME> with your names */ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- First, enable Data Access (One time only) EXEC sp_serveroption '<SERVERNAME><INSTANCENAME>', 'DATA ACCESS', TRUE; -- Then SELECT just the fields you need SELECT ID, Name, Amount FROM OPENQUERY([<SERVERNAME><INSTANCENAME>], 'EXEC <DATABASENAME>.dbo.FirstSP')