I have written the following SQL code to display the data as rows, where the row after data is having null values except on the description column.
DECLARE @StudentData TABLE ( RowID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1), RemarksDate NVARCHAR(20), StudentName NVARCHAR(1000), Description NVARCHAR(MAX), TotStudents NVARCHAR(100) ) INSERT INTO @StudentData(RemarksDate, StudentName, Description, TotStudents) VALUES('2/1/2021', NULL, 'Poor In English', '14'), (NULL, NULL, '1 ABC', NULL), (NULL, NULL, '1 XYZ', NULL), (NULL, NULL, '1 MNO', NULL), (NULL, NULL, '1 IGH', NULL), (NULL, NULL, '10 KKK', NULL), ('2/1/2021', NULL, 'Poor In Maths', '5'), (NULL, NULL, '5 PQR', NULL), ('2/8/2021', NULL, 'Poor In Social', '1'), (NULL, NULL, '1 RST', NULL)
This results in the output as follows:
I have written the following query to group and display rows:
SELECT t1.RemarksDate, LTRIM(RIGHT(t2.Description, LEN(t2.Description) - PATINDEX('%[0-9][^0- 9]%', t2.Description ))) StudentName, t1.Description ,LEFT(t2.Description, PATINDEX('%[0-9][^0-9]%', t2.Description )) FROM ( SELECT *, RowID + TotStudents MaxVal FROM @StudentData WHERE RemarksDate is NOT NULL ) t1 JOIN ( SELECT * FROM @StudentData WHERE RemarksDate is NULL ) t2 ON t2.RowId BETWEEN t1.RowID and t1.MaxVal
The data is displayed as follows
Expected output is as follows
2/1/2021 ABC Poor In English 1 2/1/2021 XYZ Poor In English 1 2/1/2021 MNO Poor In English 1 2/1/2021 IGH Poor In English 1 2/1/2021 KKK Poor In English 10 2/1/2021 PQR Poor In Maths 5 2/8/2021 RST Poor In Social 1
Except the fact that the table design is pretty awful, I would suggest the following approach:
WITH cteRemarks AS( SELECT *, LEAD(RowId) OVER (ORDER BY RowID) AS RowIdNxt FROM @StudentData WHERE TotStudents IS NOT NULL ) SELECT r.RemarksDate ,RIGHT(t.Description, LEN(t.Description)-CHARINDEX(' ', t.Description)) AS StudentsName ,r.Description AS Description ,LEFT(t.Description, CHARINDEX(' ', t.Description)-1) AS Val FROM cteRemarks r LEFT JOIN @StudentData t ON t.TotStudents IS NULL AND t.RowID > r.RowID AND t.RowID < ISNULL(r.RowIDNxt, 99999999)