I need help with my issue here . I need to select rows where quarter and year are latest . Here is example of my table
Risk Master table named HD_Risk_Master:-
rm_log_no rm_company_id
HDS-OP1 004
HDS-OP2 004
HDS-OP3 004
HDS-OP4 004
Another table that join with HD_Risk_Master table named HD_Case_Resolution 1:M
cr_log_no cr_quarter cr_year
HDS-OP1 Q3 2021
HDS-OP1 Q4 2021 ->latest
HDS-OP2 Q3 2021
HDS-OP2 Q4 2021 ->latest
HDS-OP3 Q4 2021
HDS-OP3 Q1 2022 ->latest
HDS-OP4 Q4 2021
HDS-OP4 Q1 2022 ->latest
Expected Result
rm_log_no rm_company_id cr_log_no cr_quarter cr_year
HDS-OP1 004 HDS-OP1 Q4 2021
HDS-OP2 004 HDS-OP1 Q4 2021
HDS-OP3 004 HDS-OP1 Q1 2022
HDS-OP4 004 HDS-OP1 Q1 2022
My result of query , no HDS-OP3 and HDS-OP4 in my query which i realised the max year is 2022 and the max quarter is Q4 which in 2021 . It supposed to read year 2022 and quarter 1(in year 2022)
rm_log_no rm_company_id cr_log_no cr_quarter cr_year
HDS-OP1 004 HDS-OP1 Q4 2021
HDS-OP2 004 HDS-OP1 Q4 2021
Here is my attempt query which resulted as above ;-
select * from "HD_Risk_Master" as "risk" inner join "HD_Case_Resolution" as "reso" on "reso"."cr_log_no" = "risk"."rm_log_no"
inner join (SELECT cr_log_no,MAX(cr_year) as max_year
FROM public."HD_Case_Resolution"
GROUP BY cr_log_no) d on "reso"."cr_log_no" = "d"."cr_log_no" and "d"."max_year" = "reso"."cr_year"
inner join (SELECT cr_log_no,MAX(cr_quarter) as max_quarter
FROM public."HD_Case_Resolution" GROUP BY cr_log_no) c
on "reso"."cr_log_no" = "c"."cr_log_no" and "c"."max_quarter" = "reso"."cr_quarter"
where "rm_company_id" in ('004')
Hope it’s help and sorry for my bad explaination and grammar .
Join master with a derived table which orders the rows from details
select m.*, r.cr_quarter, r.cr_year
from HD_Risk_Master m
left join (
select *, row_number() over(partition by cr_log_no order by cr_year desc, cr_quarter desc) rn
from HD_Case_Resolution
) r on r.rn=1 and r.cr_log_no = m.rm_log_no;