This query is supported by PostgreSQL but H2 can not run query because of Over(partition by) . Question is how to select only one row with latest created time for different values in 2 columns.
id name created ecid psid
1 aa 2019-02-07 1 1
2 bb 2019-02-01 1 1
3 cc 2019-02-05 2 2
4 dd 2019-02-06 2 3
5 ee 2019-02-08 2 3
id name created ecid psid
1 aa 2019-02-07 1 1
3 cc 2019-02-05 2 2
5 ee 2019-02-08 2 3
SELECT s.*, MAX(s.created) OVER (PARTITION BY s.ecid, s.psid) AS latest FROM
WHERE latest = created
use correlated subquery
select t1.* from table t1
where t1.created = ( select max(created)
from table t2 where t1.ecid=t2.ecid and t1.psid=t2.psid)