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Select most recent record (with expiration date)

Let’s say that we have 2 tables named Records and Opportunities:


RecordID CustomerID CreateDate
777 1 1/1/2021
888 2 1/1/2021
999 1 2/1/2021


OppID CustomerID OppCreateDate
10 1 12/31/2020
11 1 1/10/2021
12 2 2/1/2021
13 1 4/1/2021
14 1 8/5/2025

Desired Output:

RecordID CustomerID CreateDate #Opportunities
777 1 1/1/2021 1
888 2 1/1/2021 1
999 1 2/1/2021 1

As you can see, the Records table provides the first 3 columns of the desired output, and the “#Opportunities” column is created by counting the number of opportunities that happen after the record is created for a given customer.

Two key things to note on this logic:

  1. Only count opportunities when they occur within 6 months of a record.
  2. If another record is created for a customer, only count opportunities for the most recent record.

More specifically, OppID = 11 will get credited to RecordID = 777; 12 to 888; and 13 to 999. 10 and 14 will not get credited to either RecordID.

I wrote the below code, which does not take into account #2 above:

RecordID int
, CustomerID int
, CreateDate Date

(777, 1, '2021-01-01')
, (888, 2, '2021-01-31')
, (999, 1, '2021-02-01')

CREATE TABLE #Opportunities
OppID int
, CustomerID int
, OppCreateDate Date

INSERT INTO #Opportunities
(10, 1, '2020-12-31')
, (11, 1, '2021-01-10')
, (12, 2, '2021-02-01')
, (13, 1, '2021-04-01')
, (14, 1, '2025-08-25')

select * 
from #Records

select * 
from #Opportunities

select rec.*
, (select count(*)
from #Opportunities opp
where rec.CustomerID=opp.CustomerID
and rec.CreateDate<=opp.OppCreateDate --record happened on the same day or before the opportunity
and datediff(month,rec.CreateDate,opp.OppCreateDate) < 6 --opened and created within 6 months
) as [#Opportunities]
from #Records rec

Any suggestions to incorporate #2 above and generate the desired output?



Decide on which #records row is related to an #Opportunities row based on #records.CreateDate

select RecordID, CustomerID, CreateDate, count(*) cnt
from (
   select r.RecordID, r.CustomerID, r.CreateDate,
      row_number() over(partition by op.OppID  order by r.CreateDate desc) rn
   from #records r
   join #Opportunities op on r.CustomerID = op.CustomerID and datediff(month, r.CreateDate, op.OppCreateDate) < 6 and r.CreateDate <= op.OppCreateDate
   ) t
where rn = 1 
group by RecordID, CustomerID, CreateDate


RecordID    CustomerID  CreateDate  cnt
777 1   2021-01-01  1
888 2   2021-01-31  1
999 1   2021-02-01  1
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