id id_imported_urls user_id 25041 23965 4 25040 23964 4 25039 23963 4 25037 23961 4 25034 23958 4 25033 23957 21 25032 23956 21 25031 23955 21 25030 23954 21 25029 23953 21
I’m trying to select rows, where the id_imported_urls is only present on the current user, but i cant figure out how to make the SQL call properly.
SELECT * FROM links WHERE id_imported_urls = 23965 AND user_id = 4 HAVING COUNT(SELECT * FROM links WHERE id_imported_urls = 23965) < 2
SELECT l.* FROM links l WHERE l.id_imported_urls = 23965 AND l.user_id = 4 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM links WHERE user_id <> l.user_id AND id_imported_urls = l.id_imported_urls )
This will return a row only if id_imported_urls = 23965
does not exist for any user_id <> 4
This query:
select id_imported_urls from links group by id_imported_urls having count(distinct user_id) = 1
returns all the id_imported_urls
that belong to only 1 user, so you can use it like this:
select * from links where id_imported_urls in ( select id_imported_urls from links group by id_imported_urls having count(distinct user_id) = 1 )
to get all the rows that contain these id_imported_urls