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Select from one table if present,else select from another having latest date

There are Three tables T1 and T2 and T3

T3 stores person details T1 stores primary phone number of person, T2 stores non primary phone number of persons.


Personid Primaryphone dateload
1 1001 02/08/21
2 1002 03/07/21
4 1004 04/08/20
5 1005 08/09/20


Personid NonPrimphone dateload
1 1011 12/03/21
3 1003 20/02/21
4 1024 30/12/21
6 1006 08/08/20
3 1007 04/04/21
3 1008 21/08/21


Per_numb person_id
501 1
502 2
503 3
504 4
505 5
506 6

What i want is, select all personumber from T3 and thier phone number , the criteria is , if the person is having primary phone number select that, if not having primary phone number select phone number from non primary table having latest dateload.



Per_numb phonenumber
501 1001
502 1002
503 1008
504 1004
505 1005
506 1006

I also want to join these three tables and not use sub queries as the sub query is making the execution slow.



One method uses coalesce():

select t3.*,
       coalesce( (select t1.primaryphone
                  from t1
                  where t1.personid = t3.personid
                  from t2
                  where t2.personid = t3.personid
                  order by t2.dateload desc
                  fetch first 1 row only
               ) a_good_phone
from t3;
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