This has been asked here and a few other places before but seems like the suggested answers either don’t apply to postgres or don’t work in this situation.
I’m looking to select distinct column names, eg:
SELECT DISTINCT column_name FROM table_name WHERE ... ORDER BY column_name
however I’m looking to eliminate case sensitive duplicates (eg A
and a
should be considered the same thing)
but all available formats were case sensitive. And changing case via LOWER()
wont work because In this situation I need the case information.
I thought about something like this to grab unique values but still maintain the case:
SELECT DISTINCT upper(my_column) as upper_case, my_column
FROM my_table
ORDER BY upper(my_column)
But introducing my_column in the distinct query negates the whole thing.
How can I get unique values (case insensitive) without modifying the case of the results itself?
In PostgreSQL (but not many other databases), you can use a DISTINCT ON clause:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (upper(my_column)) my_column
FROM my_table
ORDER BY upper(my_column)
You can even choose which of the results you get, by adding another column to the ORDER BY clause to make the desired result appear first:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (upper(my_column)) my_column
FROM my_table
ORDER BY upper(my_column), other_column
Documentation: DISTINCT Clause