I want to sum all the columns and where context between dates, basically I want to convert the below SQL query to EF:
select meterCategory, sum(cost) maxCost from [dbo].[UsageData] where date between '2019-06-25' and '2019-06-25' and cost >= 1 group by meterCategory order by maxCost desc
(var startDate, var endDate) = (new DateTime(2019, 6, 25), new DateTime(2019, 6, 25)); var result = await dbContext.UsageDatas .Where(ud => ud.Cost >= 1 && ud.Date >= startDate && ud.Date <= endDate) .GroupBy(ud => ud.MeterCategory) .Select(g => new { MeterCategory = g.Key, MaxCost = g.Sum(c => c.Cost) }) .OrderByDescending(g => g.MaxCost) .ToListAsync();
You can also use tuples and even name their properties, instead of anonymous classes.
Or since you’re SQL oriented, you might want to use C# LINQ query syntax (this one uses tuple):
var query = from ud in dbContext.UsageDatas where ud.Cost >= 1 && ud.Date >= startDate && ud.Date <= endDate group ud by ud.MeterCategory into g select (MeterCategory: g.Key, MaxCost: g.Sum(ud => ud.Cost)) into r orderby r.MaxCost descending select r; var result = await query.ToListAsync();