There is an application with search input that gives an opportunity to search for contacts by their information stored in database.
For example, I can type 0972133122 Alan
and my search engine must return all contacts whose firstname
is Alan
& whose numbers match 0972133122
Of course, I can just type Alan 0972
, for instance, and there must be returned all possible contacts matching this pattern. The query order may be different, so that I can type 0972 Alan Smith
, and if there are 2 contacts with Alan
names and whose phone numbers start with 0972
, then additional Smith
clarification should return the only 1 contact.
I suggest built in phone applications for Android make use of this search algorithm:
So that my goal is to achieve similar result, but I do know how to do this. Here my code:
GraphQL query
query contacts {
contacts(input: {
contactQuery: "Alan Smith"
}) {
name {
NodeJS query to MongoDB
const conditions = {};
const expr = contactQuery
.split(' ')
.map((contact) => new RegExp(`${contact}`, 'i'))
conditions.$or = [
{ 'firstName': { $in: expr } },
{ 'lastName': { $in: expr } },
{ 'university': { $in: expr } },
{ emails: { $elemMatch: { email: { $in: expr } } } },
{ phones: { $elemMatch: { phone: { $in: expr } } } },
{ socials: { $elemMatch: { id: { $in: expr } } } },
const contacts = await this.contacts
.find(conditions, undefined)
This works partly, but I receive unwanted documents from MongoDB:
contacts: [
firstName: "Alan",
lastName: "Smith",
university: "KNTU",
firstName: "Alan",
lastName: "Alderson", // should not be returned
university: "ZNU",
But I need to get one contact that has strictly Alan
and Smith
. If it’s impossible to do with MongoDB, — please, provide me an example of SQL query. Any suggestions & solutions will be accepted!
Please, let me know if my question still is not clear.
Firstly, you need to separate out the numbers and words from the search text and then you can create a possible combination of it for an example:
- FirstName:
, LastName:Smith
- FirstName:
, LastName:Alan
Using regex you can do this easily and then you can use logical operators
of mongodb
to create your query like this
Approach 1
$or: [
$and: [
firstName: {
$regex: "Alan",
$options: "i"
lastName: {
$regex: "Smith",
$options: "i"
$and: [
firstName: {
$regex: "Smith",
$options: "i"
lastName: {
$regex: "Alan",
$options: "i"
Here is the link to the playground for you to look at it in action Mongo Playground
Approach 2
Another way is where you concat
all the searchable keys into one field and then use regex to filter it out like this
$addFields: {
text: {
$concat: [
" ",
" ",
" ",
$match: {
text: {
$regex: "(?=.*?(0972))(?=.*?(Alan))(?=.*?(Smith))",
$options: "i"
$project: {
text: 0
Code to build the query:
let text = "0972 Alan Smith";
let parts = text.split(" ");
let query = => "(?=.*?("+part+"))").join("");
But you need to check the performance implication of this approach or you can create a view
and then query to view to make your query more cleaner
Here is the link to the playground for you to look at it in action Mongo Playground