select currency, MAX (CASE WHEN type = 'Bank A' THEN rate ELSE null END) as bank_a_rate, MAX (CASE WHEN type = 'Bank B' THEN rate ELSE null END) as bank_b_rate from rates group by currency, created
I want to group my data by currency, timestamp and show all type value like table of comparison with interval of 30 minutes, for now my created time is 1 minute or less different so if i group with created time it will still showing 4 rows cause of different timestamp, is there a way to round the timestamp ?
Data Source
Type | Currency | Rate | Created |
Bank A | USD | 3.4 | 2020-01-01 12:29:15 |
Bank B | USD | 3.34 | 2020-01-01 12:30:11 |
Bank A | EUR | 4.92 | 2020-01-01 12:31:01 |
Bank B | EUR | 5.03 | 2020-01-01 12:31:14 |
Expected Result
Timestamp | Currency | Bank A Rate | Bank B Rate |
2020-01-01 12:30:00 | USD | 3.4 | 3.34 |
2020-01-01 12:30:00 | EUR | 4.92 | 5.03 |
Truncate/round created
to 30 minutes (the ts
expression) and group by it. Your query with this amendment:
select date_trunc('hour', created) + interval '1 minute' * (extract(minute from created)::integer/30)*30 AS ts, currency, MAX (CASE WHEN "type" = 'Bank A' THEN rate ELSE null END) as bank_a_rate, MAX (CASE WHEN "type" = 'Bank B' THEN rate ELSE null END) as bank_b_rate from rates group by currency, ts;
‘Inherit’ previous rate
select ts, currency, coalesce(bank_a_rate, lag(bank_a_rate) over w) bank_a_rate, coalesce(bank_b_rate, lag(bank_b_rate) over w) bank_b_rate from ( select date_trunc('hour', created) + interval '1 minute' * (extract(minute from created)::integer/30)*30 ts, currency, MAX (CASE WHEN "type" = 'Bank A' THEN rate ELSE null END) as bank_a_rate, MAX (CASE WHEN "type" = 'Bank B' THEN rate ELSE null END) as bank_b_rate from rates group by currency, ts ) t window w as (partition by currency order by ts);