Having an issue in SQL script where I’m trying to achieve filter criteria of rolling 12 months in the day column which stored data as a text in server.
Goal is to count sizes for product at retail store location over the last 12 months from the current day. Currently, in my query I’m using the criteria of year 2019 which only counts the sizes for that year but not for rolling 12 months from current date.
CALENDARDAY column is in text field in the data set and data stores in yyyymmdd format.
When trying to run below script in Tableau with GETDATE and DATEADD function it is giving me a functional error. I am trying to access SAP HANA server with below query.
Any help would be appreciated
Select SKU, STYLE_ID, Base_Style_ID, COLOR, SIZEKEY, STORE, Year, count(SIZEKEY)over(partition by STYLE_ID,COLOR,STORE,Year) as SZ_CNT from ( select a."RAW" As SKU, a."STYLENUM" As STYLE_ID, mat."BASENUM" AS Base_Style_ID, a."COLORNUM" AS COLOR, a."SIZE" AS SIZEKEY, a."STORENUM" AS STORE, substring(a."CALENDARDAY",1,4) As year from PRTRPT_XRE as a JOIN ZAT_SKU As mat On a."RAW" = mat."SKU" where a."ORGANIZATION" = 'M20' and a."COLORNUM" is not null and substring(a."CALENDARDAY",1,4) = '2019' Group BY a."RAW", a."STYLENUM", mat."BASENUM", a."ZCOLORCD", a."SIZE", a."STORENUM", substring(a."CALENDARDAY",1,4) )
Below condition from one of our CALENDAR table also worked same way as ADD_MONTHS mentioned in above response
select distinct CALENDARDAY from ( select FISCALWEEK, CALENDARDAY, CNST, row_number()over(partition by CNST order by FISCALWEEK desc) as rnum from ( select distinct FISCALWEEK, CALENDARDAY, 'A' as CNST from CALENDARTABLE where CALENDARDAY < current_date order by 1,2 ) ) where rnum < 366