I am trying to modify my current query to return the first order for each month in each year.
Here is my full table and my current query.
select orderdate, sum(UnitPrice*Qty)
AS month_firstOrder_total
from OrderByDate
group by OrderDate
Try something like this:
WITH DataSource AS
select *
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY YEAR(orderdate), MONTH(orderdate) ORDER BY orderdate ASC) rn
from OrderByDate
FROM DataSource
WHERE rn = 1;
You can get the total sum per order date if you want, too:
WITH DataSource AS
select *
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY YEAR(orderdate), MONTH(orderdate) ORDER BY orderdate ASC) rn
,sum(UnitPrice*Qty) OVER (PARTITION BY orderdate) as sum_qty
from OrderByDate
FROM DataSource
WHERE rn = 1