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Retrieve database in java using JTextField to search

So, i would like to retrieve database information where a user will search certain columns using text fields, like this:

column1 find userinput, column2 find userinput, column3 find userinput,

The problem im having is the sql statement:

If textfield1 is empty, it will only retrieve entries that contain nothing.

What im trying to retrieve will have 6 text field, meaning 6 columns in the database. Using java i would need alot of if statements.

Is there any other way to shorten this?


The if statements will start from:

all the way down to

covering all possible combinations of the 6 input fields, the point of all these statements is to ignore empty text fields but provide the corresponding sql statement.

I don’t know how to calculate the possible combinations other than writing them all down(i started, there was too many).



I didn’t really understand why those ifs, you should elaborate more your question but i will try to help as i can.

Well, if you want to retrieve everything from the database you could use LIKE:

This way you’ll get everything with the containing text, it means, if the field is empty it will bring all results, i guess this is the best way to do, to avoid unnecessa if clauses.

Another thing, to check for empty fields you should use:

BUT if you let they write white spaces the LIKE won’t help you then you need to .trim() all your texts then your white spaces will be ignored.

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