I have the following code where I’m trying to dynamically Pivot the table.
SELECT DISTINCT lton.order_number AS OrderNo, c.compound_name AS compoundName, lt.batch_number AS batch_number, CASE WHEN lt.machine_number = 0 THEN m.name ELSE ltn.test_machine END AS test_machine, CASE WHEN lt.pass_customer_specs = 1 THEN 'Pass' ELSE 'Fail' END AS passCustomer INTO #TEMP2 FROM lab_test lt JOIN lab_test_compound ltc ON ltc.id = lt.lab_test_compound_id JOIN compound c ON c.id = ltc.compound_id LEFT JOIN lab_test_machine_configuration ltmc ON ltmc.id = ltc.lab_test_machine_configuration_id LEFT JOIN lab_test_machine ltn ON ltn.id = ltmc.lab_test_machine_id LEFT JOIN lab_test_measurement ltm ON ltm.lab_test_machine_id = ltn.id LEFT JOIN measurement m ON m.id = ltm.measurement_id LEFT JOIN lab_test_order_number lton ON lton.lab_test_id = lt.id WHERE lt.date_created >= '2020-01-30 06:55:42.997' AND lt.last_test = 1; SELECT @Columns1 = COALESCE(@Columns1 + ', ','') + QUOTENAME(test_machine) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT test_machine FROM #TEMP2) AS B ORDER BY B.test_machine SET @columns3 = ' SELECT compoundName, OrderNo, batch_number, '+ ISNULL(@Columns1,'-') +' FROM ( SELECT * FROM #TEMP2) AS PivotData PIVOT (MIN(passcustomer) FOR test_machine IN ('+ @Columns1 +')) AS pvt1 ORDER BY compoundName, batch_number' EXEC(@columns3) DROP TABLE #TEMP2
Everything seems to be working the way I want except I want to replace the null with ‘-‘.
Any ideas?
You need to put the coalesce into the dynamic column list – something like this:
SELECT @Columns1 = 'COALESCE(' + QUOTENAME(test_machine) + ',''-''),' + @Columns1 FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT test_machine FROM #TEMP2) AS B ORDER BY B.test_machine; SELECT @Columns1 = SUBSTRING(@Columns1,1,LEN(@Columns1)-1);
The isnull(@Columns1… you have will replace null column names with ‘-‘ rather than null column contents.