Is it even possible to return value of string without the ” ” ?
I have the following string: Chb = "NOT";
Now i either want to remove the “” in C# or SQL.
so i want to have either Chb = NOT
in C#
,or i want to remove the ‘ ‘ in SQL that i get in @Chb so that this:
WHERE PAR @Chb IN ('1','2','3')
isnt like this : WHERE PAR 'NOT' IN ('1','2','3')
but it is like this WHERE PAR NOT IN ('1','2','3')
I don’t believe this is the right approach for this.
If you want to execute a command in SQL which comes from a C# code, then i would do:
string exists = "select * from table where var in (1,2,3)";
string notExists = "select * from table where var NOT in (1,2,3)";
if (chb != "NOT")
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(exists, con);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(notExists, con);