I have the following select statement in Redshift that will return rows with certain values if the condition inside is met. I want to transform this into a DQ check which will return 1 (True) if no rows ae returned or 0 if any row is returned, but I do not know where I should apply the case statement. Here is the select statement:
select * from (select brand,calendar_dt, product,
count(account) count from revenue_base
where player_days = 0 and volume_loc >0 group by brand,calendar_dt, product)
where count > 1000 and calendar_dt >='2020-07-12'
and calendar_dt < '2020-07-13'
Can you please offer me some ideas for this?
First, Redshift supports booleans, so case
is not needed. Second, do the filtering on the date before the aggregation. This is usually faster.
Then, you can filter by the count using a having
clause, so no subquery is needed:
select not exists (select 1
from revenue_base
where player_days = 0 and volume_loc > 0 and
calendar_dt >= '2020-07-12' and calendar_dt < '2020-07-13'
group by brand, calendar_dt, product
having count(*) > 1000
) as result